Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Fatherly H.A.T. of an Archangel - Part 1

Picture a toddler learning and anxious to walk. As she ventures about the home in a wobbly, unstable, unbalanced way, behind her is her father with his hands under but not touching her arms. She is unaware but safe. The home is a safe place to fall, especially since it has been child proofed. Dad, you could say, is angelically protecting his angel. This continues throughout life. Our child’s walk is a message.

They are precious. It is interesting that we call our children angels. It speaks to how special they are. We are made lower than angels according to Psalm 8. Our kids are angels – and actually higher if they believe. And since they are, fathers are to be archangels. The hat of an archangel is one of the most important, yet least recognized hats worn by a father. It is a hat of light. We tend to picture innocence and infants with wings when we hear the word angel but the word carries so much more meaning. In the Bible there are no instances of angels as babies. Every single instance in which an angel is depicted in the Bible, the angel resembles a man or multi-winged and multi-faced being – most often a man. The people who encountered them in the Bible were usually fearful of what they saw and were calmed and reassured by the angel. There was extremely high respect [some would say visual intimidation] but always reassurance. This definitely sounds like a father.

Accountability Question: Dad, based on your size you may or may not be intimidating; however, do you dwell on being respected so much that you produce fear in your children? Do you reassure them that you are there to bless them? Are you an archangel for your angel?

Practical Application: Let your children know your power but always reassure them that the power GOD vested in you will be used to consistently protect them and help them do the right things, the right way for the right reasons

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